Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Questions to Ask at the End of Your Job Interview

5 Questions to Ask at the End of Your Job Interview â€" Job interview is undoubtedly one of the things that you remember most during our lives. There are fewer lucky people who get the job at their first attempt and many others keep trying again and again to get a job. It is a two way process which involves both the employer and the interviewer with their complete attention.Photo Credit â€" cheatsheet.comAn employee, while preparing himself ready to answer the questions of employer must keep an important point in his mind that two impressions matter a lot about his personality; his first impression and the last one.Everyone knows about how to put the first good impression both physically and mentally. But we are talking about the last impression, the end of the interview. When the interviewer is done with the questions and you got time to fold things up, you should have some valid questions set up in your mind and you must ask them before you leave. It will show your interest in the job you are going to get and leave a positive end note b ehind.evalHere are a few questions that are really valid, convincing and persuasive.1. Why is the existing employee leaving ?It is surely the boldest question you may ask, but it is your right to know that why he has left. There can be so many reason of a person leaving any place for example,He might get promoted.He has got a better job according to his requirements.He might have shifted to some other city or left for abroad.He can be annoyed because of his fellow’s behavior.May be the hours are too long for him.Possibly he is not satisfied for the package he is getting there.His salary hasn’t increased for a long period of time.The responses can be so many but there are a few which the employer can tell you honestly. He will never expose any shortcomings of his firm but if he is trying to hide something, his response and facial expression will tell you that there is something fishy. If he responses confidently and tells the reason then you can remove the doubts from your mind.P hoto Credit â€" huffpost.com2. How is the Corporate Environment over here?It is a must ask question for the person who is going to join the firm. There are so many people working around together and they must possess a variety of behaviors and response to the new comer. As time passes by, things get back to normal but there is a specific corporate culture which lingers.If there is some rule set for the employees and the violation is taken seriously, it might be favorable for you. You can ask for any unpleasant incident of backstabbing if it has already happened. As we have already discussed above that the interviewer may hide the negative factors of is firm but still you have to ask and observe the facial expressions of the interviewer deeply. If you feel something doubted, you might change your mind as the game is still in your hands.3. What are the major issues or challenges my department is facing today?This question will let you know about the intensity of work you have to handl e in your starting days. You can do homework before joining if you get a chance to win the seat. If your mind will be totally blank on the first day of your job, you will face so much difficult to get set over there.Another important point of asking this question is something closely related to your impression upon the interviewer. This question shows that you really want to get this job and you are eager to work with them. So in your question’s list, put this question after a few inquiring ones; this can satisfy you about this job. Once you are relaxed, come to the working lines and put the given question in front of him.4. What are the Qualities you expect to see in your best employee?evalThis also is about your job, if you get a seat over there, what your employer wants to have from you. This is a thing which they mostly describe themselves during the discussion but when you will ask this question, they will feel that you are willing to posses your best qualities for their firm and it will impress them much.You might get a very positive response of this question if you get this rely that ‘actually you have them all in you’. It shows that they have already picked you for the seat. Well, Say thanks pleasantly.5. Who is your biggest competitor?Every company has rivals, and there is nothing wrong with asking about them. There can be so many things the interviewer can tell about their competitors and you will have to play a trick here. If you know any of their competitors well, you can praise them nicely. If the interviewer gives a negative response or if he thinks that they are not worthy enough to be praised, it shows the narcissistic culture of company.A good employer, while competing with some specific rival, will never say bad things at their back. It doesn’t give a good impression about their company. He will say nice things and roll the discussion positively.Important Note:evalDon’t take too much time to question; don’t prepare a big list of q uestions. Remember one thing that you are the one who has applied for a job. Don’t inquire them too much or you will be showing a rude attitude to the interviewer.Just pick a few, most valid questions which can gather all the information you want to get. Be nice and polite while talking to them and don’t hit them with absurd queries.

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