Monday, December 30, 2019

3 Bad Boss Personalitiesand How to Deal With Them -The Muse

3 badeanstalt Boss Personalitiesand How to Deal With Them -The Muse3 Bad Boss Personalities- and How to Deal With ThemAwful baboes are highly entertaining on-screen (look no further than Meryl Streeps fabulously vicious Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada). But in the real world, a terrible boss is anything but amusing.For all that a nightmare supervisor may make you want to quit your job, thats not always an option. Read on for three common types of bad-boss personalities and some quick suggestions for how to cope.1. Bad Boss Personality The Credit HogI eagerly await the day when all supervisors understand that talking up their employees highlights the value of the entire team- both the fabulous worker and the person smart enough to hire her. But in the meantime, there are some supervisors who think their job is only safe so long as the C-suite thinks theyre the sole person on staff with brilliant ideas.The temptation here is to set the record straight, and shout from the roof tops- or over a group email- that you had the idea that saved the day. But, as you probably already know, a, No, it welches my idea back and forth wont do any good.How to Deal Credit the Team EnvironmentWhat you can do is reinforce the idea that youre a part of a team whenever the project comes up. Think When you hear, It was brilliant of John to suggest we move the annual conference up two months try following up with something like, Yes, the whole team really came together with wonderful ideas to improve on the event weve held in years past.First, this approach makes you look good because everyone loves a team player. Second, it makes you mora likely to be heard than a he said, she said approach. Finally, it still accomplishes your goal of reminding others that John gets his ideas from a room full of staff.2. Bad Boss Personality The One Who Steers You WrongIt can be very frustrating when your boss instincts couldnt be further from your own. You go to him for advice, and instead o f a game plan, you come away with directives you dont want to follow.Frankly, this may be a problem of your own creation. Youre asking for help, and hes trying to provide it. The fact that you dont want to take his suggestions (but feel like you have to) is a different story.How to Deal Ask for Approval, Rather than AdviceTry seeking out a new sounding board. Perhaps your boss always suggests a direct approach, and youd rather be more delicate. Is there a colleague or mentor who seems to always get your approach? Especially if this person is well-respected within the organization, youll be getting helpful advice and an ally all in one.Then, in your next meeting, instead of saying, How would you suggest I tackle this issue? try, I was uncertain how best to approach a client with a difficult personality. Sarah- who also has some tough clients- suggested the following approach, and I think it will work well. That way, youre still keeping your boss informed- and letting him weigh in if necessary- but you should have more opportunities to handle things in a way that makes sense to you.3. Bad Boss Personality The Boss Who Loves to Say NoEvery time you approach your boss with a new way to get things done, she says, No. Whether its about a tight budget, a lack of resources, or just a penchant for the way things have always been done, she doesnt want to hear anything thats a break from the status quo.Well, my question is Are you a glutton for punishment? Do you think that, one day, after months of sharing every idea that pops in your head, your boss will suddenly change her tune and say, Yes, thats a brilliant innovation? (I know from experience Its not going to happen.)The truth is, youre probably fighting a battle you cant win. You want to demonstrate that you think outside the box (which she doesnt value). Or you think your way is better than hers (which she doesnt believe). Or you disagree with how things are done (which doesnt matter to her).How to Deal Take Your Ideas Somewhere ElseIf this rings true, youre not a culture fit. Its hard to hear, because from where youre standing, its your boss who isnt a fit. But if the company decided to place her in a management role, its putting stock in her approach. Certainly you can wait it out a bit, or you can even discuss your frustrations with other leaders or human resources. But if might be a better approach to start channeling your creativity and new ideas toward updating your resume.The supervisor-employee relationship is a significant one, and its frustrating when it feels like its not working. Try the tips above to get back on track.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Being a Marine Corps Middle East Cryptologic Linguist

Being a Marine Corps Middle East Cryptologic sprachwissenschaftlerBeing a Marine Corps Middle East Cryptologic LinguistCryptologic linguists monitor, transcribe, and translate intercepted target communications perform analysis and exploitation of designated foreign communications and install, operate, and perform preventive maintenance of intercept equipment. Following basic qualification as a Linguist (MOS 2711-2728), Marines attend a specialized course of instruction and upon completion are assigned the appropriate MOS. Secondary duties and tasks include aspects of EW/COMSEC and direction-finding operations. In addition, Marines assigned MOS 2671 receive MOJT in such MOS related requirements as power supply operation, equipment prime mover (truck) operation, and vehicle maintenance procedures. Intermediate and advanced language training is available. Prior to, or in conjunction with, being promoted to staff sergeant, Marines will receive Traffic Analysis training (formal school or MOJT). The Department of Defence has stated a career goal for professional linguist of achieving interagency Language Roundtable General Professional Proficiency (Level-3) in those modalities (listening, reading and/or speaking) required to perform his or her primary function. Cryptologic Linguists are encouraged to take advantage of language training events in order to achieve this goal. Operators need to be familiar with Electronic Warfare (EW) operations to include Electronic Support, Electronic Protect, and Electronic Attack and be prepared to contribute to MAGTF EW operations at either the team or battalion level. Knowledge within the skill set will progress from beginner to intermediate to advanced as part of their career progression. Prior to advancement to master sergeant (2691), opportunities are provided for linguists to attend supervisory-level courses in preparation for management/leadership assignments. This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC (MM). Job Prerequisites (1) Must possess a GT score of 105 or higher. (2) A Defense Language Aptitude Battery tiefpunkt score of 110 or higher, waiverable to 100, or demonstrated proficiency in the appropriate language by achieving minimum level 2 proficiency on the listening and reading portions of the DLPT. (3) Must be eligible for a top-secret security clearance and be eligible for access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) based on a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). (4) Must be a graduate of the prescribed cryptologic technical course and maintain a minimum proficiency of L2/R2 on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT), in accordance with MCO 7220.52. (5) No speech or hearing defects. (6) Must be a U.S. citizen. (7) Must be eligible for a secretsecurity clearance.

Friday, December 20, 2019

3 Crucial Ways to Set Boundaries at Work

3 Crucial Ways to Set Boundaries at Work3 Crucial Ways to Set Boundaries at WorkI welches spending a sunny Sunday afternoon at a coffee shop, working on a few side projects I didnt have time for during the week. Thats what weekends are for, right? And judging by the number of people around me typing away on their laptops, I figured that everyone else must be doing the saatkorn.But, as I scanned the room, hardly anyone around me looked too pleased. In fact, they looked a lot like I imagine I do during a stressful day in the office. Perplexed, I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me- and I had my answer. Turns out, her intentions were to work on her blog, but she somehow ended up checking work emails and had been stuck working ever since.Poor thing, I thought. Then, I looked down at my own screen, and with horror, realized I too had been checking work email. In fact, I had spent more time on work than I had on my personal projectsClearly, we all had some boundary issues.An d sadly, I know this isnt unique. We all have the friend who cant make it through a cocktail without responding to an email or text from her anfhrer. Ive had employers whove explicitly told me they expected me to check in or be available basically whenever I welches conscious. It seems like the increasing ease with which we are able to access our work remotely has given employers carte blanche to be in contact with us at all times.Now, Im the first to admit that working on nights and weekends is necessary on occasion, but remember that all work all the time- well, you know the rest. If youre feeling like your work is creeping into your personal time to an unhealthy degree, here are a few steps you can take to help establish (or re-establish) some boundaries.1.Avoid Company-Issued Devices (If You Can)When I started as a manager with a new company several years ago, they offered me a Blackberry (remember those?) on my first day. Since it wasnt required, I politely declined, and as a r esult, never developed an addiction to the device.More importantly, without having to say a word, I established an important boundary with my employer, essentially defining office hours much like your professors in college did. Between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Friday, I could be found in the office. After that, I was essentially unreachable- unless someone wanted to dig up my personal cell number.Admittedly, this was a few years ago, and things have advanced to a point where most of us can access our desktops virtually, but not having a company-issued cell phone or laptop helps create that division between your personal and professional life and sets the expectation that you wont be taking work home on a regular basis.2. Dont Kill Yourself With OvertimeWhen you first start out in a new job, or even a new role, its only natural to want to impress your new boss. And its easy to be tempted to prove your commitment by slyly replying to emails at ungodly hours or even o n weekends.While this will most likely make an impression on your boss, chances are it will have unintended consequences. Take me, for example. In my first job out of college, I was really eager to make an impression. So, I stayed late, came in on weekends, and checked my email when I shouldve been in bed. The result? I inadvertently trained my boss to rely on me at all hours of the day, seven days a week. It took me nearly four years and changing jobs before I could break that cycle, and believe me, that was an exhausting lesson.On the other hand, I had a colleague who had an active life outside the office. This meant she had volleyball practice one evening, a language class on another, dates on others you get the idea. From day one, she made sure she was in the office on time, completed her work, and overachieved in every way possible- until the day was done. She offered to work late or come in early if needed but made it clear she had other commitments, which helped acclimate our boss to the fact she would be leaving on time most days.Youll be hard pressed to find a boss who will object too much to you working on your off hours (unless shes required to by law), but that same boss will be just as impressed if you can do the work in the 8 (OK, 10) hours each day youre there already. Make the most of the time you have in the office, and leave the rest for tomorrow. Trust me, the work will be waiting for you.3. Take a Day Off- RegularlyIm not sure when this happened, but at some point in my career, accruing vacation time became a bit of a competition. My working-stiff friends and I would slouch over our beers after another late night in the office, bragging about who had more time racked up. It wasnt until several years later- when I met a seasoned veteran who took every single day he earned on a regular basis- that I realized the value of vacation time.While everyone else was working too late hoping to win favor with the corner office, he simply worked efficie ntly, and used his time off as it was meant to be used. And you know what? He was the happiest guy in the office. While those of us who were stuck in the office while he was enjoying a week in Hawaii with his family groused, deep down we all admired him.Companies give their employees time off for a reason- they need it. A little RR will do only good things for your motivation, creativity, and long-term happiness with your gig. Trust me, saving up unused vacation days may win you some sympathy at happy hour, but you wont do yourself or your employer any favors by skimping on time off.As with any (hopefully) long-term relationship, its important to establish boundaries early. And, if things get a bit out of whack along the way, its never too late to re-establish the lines between your work and personal life. In the end, employers know youre more valuable when youre fully recharged after a weekend away from the office- or even better, a week in HawaiiPhoto of frustrated woman courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Walmarts MoneyCenters and Other Financial Services

Walmarts MoneyCenters and Other Financial ServicesWalmarts MoneyCenters and Other Financial ServicesWalmart, the biggest retailer in the world, has made a major move into financial services. Some key ventures include MoneyCenters in 1,800 of its 4,300 stores in the United StatesSmall business loans through Sams Club storesBanking licenses in both Canada and MexicoBanco Walmart branches in 263 stores in 31 Mexican citiesA major push for a Walmart Rewards MasterCard in Canada These are variations on two longstanding themes. First, supermarkets have a long history of having existing banks, mainly small local savings banks and thrifts, rent space within their premises for small branches catering to shoppers, usually with extended hours versus those in the typical branch. Meanwhile, Walmart happens to be a major landlord for offices of national tax preparation firms HR Block and Jackson Hewitt. Second, in various other national markets (notably the United Kingdom), large supermarket chain s such as Tesco have a history of rahmen up banking subsidiaries of their own to operate on their retail premises. Some observers have noted that supermarkets tend to be much more serious about delivering excellent customer service than banks, which are more obvious in subordinating service to profit (Special Report on International Banking, The Economist, May 16, 2009). They also point out that supermarkets have a competitive advantage in their low cost of customer acquisition, due to a large number of shoppers that they already serve daily. Walmart MoneyCenters offer these core services Check cashing (being rolled out to all U.S. stores)Money transfersMoney ordersBill paymentPrepaid debit cardsCredit cardsCheck printing (online orders only) Check Cashing Fees Walmart is looking to serve lower-income individuals who do not have banking relationships. Walmart MoneyCenters charge a flat $3.00 to cash payroll, government and tax (but not personal) checks worth $1,000 or less, and a flat $6.00 for checks above $1,000, to a maximum of $5,000. Check cashing services, contrast, typically charge commissions ranging from 2% on government checks to 4% on payroll checks, per the Lex Column in the June 23, 2010 issue of the Financial Times. The Unbanked and Underbanked Market The market potential for Walmart is large since the FDIC estimates that about 17 mio U.S. households, or 7.7% of the total, are unbanked (i.e., with no bank accounts or banking relationships), and roughly 40 million households, or 18%, are underbanked. A 2008 study by market research consulting firm Aite found that Walmart already had 11% of the check cashing market by that time (Banks vs. Wal-Mart Round Two in Bloomberg Businessweek, August 15, 2011). Indeed, Walmart also offers free tax refunds to serve this part of its customer base. Green Dot Stake Walmart also has a small equity stake of about 1% in Green Dot, a payments processor that supports the prepaid and reloadable Walmart Mon eyCards, an alternative for low-income customers who do not have bank accounts. Meanwhile, Green Dot has acquired Bonneville Bank, a small commercial bank in Utah. While this might provide a means for Walmart to add full banking services in the U.S., the company stopped pursuing a banking license in 2007, after facing strong opposition from political opponents and banks fearing competition. Lobbyists for the banking industry are arguing that Walmart MoneyCenters should be regulated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created by the Dodd-Frank bill (also in Bloomberg Businessweek, August 15, 2011). Small Business Loans Members of Walmarts Sams Club stores can obtain small business and start-up-firma business loans of $5,000 to $25,000 through an online application process with discounted fees. Superior Financial Group, an independent issuer Small Business Administration (SBA) insured loans, is the issuer of these loans, not Walmart. Walmart launched the program in 2010, in response to a 2009 survey in which 15% of Sams Club business members indicated that they had been denied credit. Walmart or Wal-Mart The parent corporation is still legally the hyphenated Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. However, the current corporate logo and trademark is a single word without punctuation, Walmart. Some publications, like The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg Businessweek, use Wal-Mart. Others, like the Financial Times, follow the lead of the companys own website, which uses Walmart, as does the new signage on U.S. stores. Adding to the confusion, many of the companys trucks still bear the hyphenated Wal-Mart name, and give the companys website as the hyphenated, even though the web address has since been changed to, without the hyphen.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

6 presentation pitfalls that can kill your credibility

6 presentation pitfalls that can kill your credibility6 presentation pitfalls that can kill your credibilityI recently attended a conference in London hosted by a very reputable organization featuring speakers from reputable companies. I went there to learn about recruitment industry trends, but instead found myself focused much more on the poor presentation skills of the speakers.As someone who gives keynote talks and hosts workshops for a living, I spend a lot of time regularly developing, rehearsing, and delivering presentations to audiences. As much as I think of public speaking as one of my strengths, I rarely finish one of my own presentations without thinking it could have been better. Theres always room for improvement. A slide that could have looked better. Something I could have said differently. An intro I could have delivered more confidently.So anyway, as much as I critique my own presentation skills, I found myself absolutely cringing at some things I saw on stage at th is conference. Unfortunately, I binnensee these same pitfalls with other conference speakers.Part of landing your next role or building your personal brand is about being able to present yourself powerfully. So here are a few public speaking pitfalls to avoid that I was reminded of that day.Using notecardsBelieve it or not, at many professional conferences I attend, where theres a lineup of speakers from reputable companies, there seems to always be at least one speaker who uses notecards. No joke. At the past three conferences Ive attended in London, including this one, at least one speaker used notecards. This is an absolute no-go. It makes you look unprofessional, inexperienced, and unprepared.If youre going to be giving a talk in front of a crowd of industry professionals, you reallyhave to know your talk inside out.Although rehearsing, again and again, is not the most fun activity, it really helps you come across as polished and professional.Explaining your presentations struc tureNo single speaker at this conference provided a detailed overview of what they were going to cover before diving into the content. Instead, they just started talking, and ten minutes into their presentation, I was left wondering what theyre actually planning to cover, where they were in their presentation, and how much they had left to go.If youre talking for more than two minutes to an audience,you need to give listeners an agenda of what you plan to cover. You dont even have to have a full slide with a bulleted agenda, but you need to at least give a high level, verbal konzept of the topics you plan to cover so people know what to expect and where youre going every step of the way.Self-handicappingSo many people seem to self-deprecate when delivering talks. I realize this might be a bit of a cultural thing here in the UK, and I may be used to more of the American style of presenting. However, it seemed like every speaker I saw on this day seemed to be trying to lower expectati ons before and during their talks. I cant tell you how many people said,I wont bore you with this slide, but . . . orThis wont be nearly as interesting as the last speaker, but . . . Theres actually been a lot of research done into this behavior, also known as self-handicapping. Self-handicapping, in a nutshell, is when youmake excuses and downplay expectations to protect your self esteem. Psychologists like Sean McCrea and others have found is thatself-handicapping actually leads to lower performance.You have to believe in the quality of your talk so others can too. The best presenters Ive seen confidently dive in and act like they know exactly what theyre talking about. Audiences are there to be informed, inspired, and entertained, so if you start your presentation saying how bad its going to be, that doesnt exactly instill people with confidence.Stopping to find waterSeveral speakers stopped mid-presentation to hund down a bottle of water. This really disrupts the flow of a prese ntation and feels amateur. It also signals to your audience that youve reached a point where youre struggling to keep going.Getting everything in place beforehand is what every professional speaker does. You absolutely have to have everything you need within arms reachbeforeyou start talking. That means having a bottle of water, handouts, props, clicker, business cards, and anything else you plan to use for the presentation ready from the start.Using anything other than PowerPoint or KeynotePlease, please, please,dont use Prezi. Its very amateur-looking and simply too distracting. While Prezi was all the craze around 2010 (briefly), few reputable speakers use it because your audience will spend more time trying to figure out the confusing logic of all the dizzying transitions rather than listening to your actual content. Trust me.Stick with the mainstream slide presentation programs. The industry standards for presentation software are eitherPowerPointorKeynote. End of story. These two programs are by far the most versatile, clear, and effective platforms to deliver your presentation.CussingThis seems so obvious, butI was shocked how many speakers thought it was okay to use cuss korrekts during their presentations. I heard one speaker use the word sht three times within the span of 10 minutes. Another panelist seemed to casually inject a cuss word into nearly every paragraph he spoke, which I found offensive.Maybe in their organizations, cussing is acceptable. Perhaps they think cussing is more conversational, relatable, or comical. Maybe theyre simply used to it because all their friends cuss a lot. However, there are enough people out there who see cussing as unprofessional and offensive. You really need to find other words to express your ideas.For all of you out there who think cussing is acceptable in a public, professional presentation, its generally not. I personally find cussing incredibly unnecessary and inappropriate in a professional conference. Pla y it safe, drop the habit, and find other words to express your points.In conclusion Delivering a powerful, memorable presentation requires a lot of hard work, practice, and preparation. A lot of bad presentation behavior exists out there. By simply rehearsing your presentation in advance, providing an overview at the start, believe in your content, organizing your materials from the start, using a professional application, and speaking to your audience with respect, youll be miles ahead of most speakers out there.This article first appeared in Be Leaderly.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Pain of Libre Office Resume Template

The Pain of Libre Office Resume Template The Downside Risk of Libre Office Resume Template You may change the personal anschauung based on the organization or job youre applying to but dont just make one-goes-for-all sort of private statement. Whether youre applying for work, a grant, or using your resume to construct your own client base, a skilled and well-organized resume is encouraged. Nearly every job, company, or firm where you want to apply would request a CV or resume. So be very cautious when choosing right resume schablone for the best job market. Facts, Fiction and Libre Office Resume Template Keep in mind, this template is customizable to your requirements Basic layouts are extremely simple to edit, even when you have never made a resume before. The template employs an intriguing layout with a lot of fun fonts. Each template offers structure, examples and tips so you dont need to start from scratch when creating your resume. In order to make the perfect resume f or yourself, its very important to experience various resume templates yep and after that decide which fits your requirements. Bear in mind, after youve finished personalizing your resume, youre not prepared to fill out an application yet. Our creative templates make it possible for you to stick out from the crowd. Each one of our creative style templates offer you a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and some style. Youd need to do the formatting work yourself. Any resume template word you pick is a sensible distribution of your professional and individual experiences developed to maximize the impacts of the page to highlight your finest traits. By making use of a template, you receive a feeling of what information to include in your resume and the way to arrange it. korrekt Resume templates are complete with the whole outline structure and the majority of the content that produces way for a powerful resume in an issue of just two or three minutes. Most resume format word file available for free download so make certain not to waste cash with the concept of getting a better choice. Because this template was designed to incorporate a great deal of text, the usage of white spacing was done very cleverly to provide a spacious feel to the resume. Double check to be certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. The black-and-white version is readily available at no cost. The War Against Libre Office Resume Template Objective The fundamental idea is to compose a personal statement that describes what you would like to become or do eventually. All you need to do is simply edit the document to include your private information. Utilizing a template can decrease the quantity of time you must spend formatting your document, which makes it possible for you to concentrate on adding content and polishing your resume. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for quite a fe w factors. Searching for a new business to work for is never quick. Some companies take a particular format, so make sure to inspect the format they want and use it. There are a lot of such on-line sites which help you make a customized resume according to your liking. Employing Word, you can make your own templates for just about any application, including resumes. Bear in mind this specific template is ideal for people with some or significant work experience only. If its a small company with the owner having firsthand experience on the selection procedure, then a targeted resume would get the job done best. It can be difficult to locate the right resume template when you are only going into the workforce. The templates are all available from Behance, one of the greatest places to showcase your creative abilities, and to discover the job of up-and-coming talents. There are lots of free creative resume templates it is possible to use, enabling you to focus your energy on e verything else you have to do. If you would like to land a job a creatively designed resume can do wonders and allow you standout from the remainder of the crowd. Resumes are usually categorized by the style in which the info is presented. You are able to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. Chronological resumes are the ideal place to highlight your accomplishments. Both may be used to create chronological or functional resumes. Choosing Good Libre Office Resume Template A good resume template word will help you do so. In case the template appears different than the example it could be because you dont have the right font. This template is created by Microsoftitself. The resume template will be published in HTML version.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

4 Ways to Improve Cross-Departmental Communication

4 Ways to Improve Cross-Departmental Communication Team. Departments. Divisions. Silos.Wait, what?If youre notlage familiar with thejargon, silois a term used in business to refer to a group of individuals within a company. Having silos within your company isnt an issue, butproblems do arise when the silos become disconnected from one another, creating a silo mentality. To quote BusinessDictionary, this is a mindset present in some companies when certain departments or sectors do not wish to share information with others in the same company. This mentality can lead to lack of alignment, frustration among employees, duplicate work, and poor customer experiences, to name just a few of the consequences.Whenteams are separated from one another, a weird competitive atmosphere develops, promoting power struggles, job protection, and politics. Communication becomes slow and disjointed throughout the organization. Everyone may be marching in the same general direction, but the plans are different for each team and no one is discussing what the outcomes should be. The company functions awkwardlyinstead of nimbly, which ultimately prevents growth.Keep your internal silos healthy and thriving with these four best practices for better cross-departmental communication1.Clarity Starts at the TopCompany executives and leadersmust get on the same page and meet regularly about strategic goals and company priorities. They must communicate these plans often throughout the entire organization.Working alone or within departments creates differing plans for the same goals due to differing opinions among teams, but when the leadership team communicates clearly, everyoneknows exactlywhat the 3-5 year plan, annual plan, and quarterly priorities are. This allows the entire team to march the same path in the same direction. When teams are working together to accomplish whole-company initiatives rather thanoperating compartmentally to achievedepartmental goals the needle really begins to move.2. Create a Shared Culture, Purpose, and ValuesMuch has been written about the millennial desire to do work that makes an impact, but all generations in the workforce really ?want that same thing?. Identifying and strengthening your company purpose gives employees a clear, shared vision, which creates an environment of trust and fosters increased sharing of information and knowledge.Dont let visions of trust falls and awkward team-building exercises hinder you from taking the leap. Team huddles, notes ofkudos, and quarterly outings are stress-free ways to build a culture of shared purpose and collaboration.3. Streamline Project WorkflowMany operating procedures are set up to move from department to department, dumping the work into the nextsilo on the checklist. This method of operation may seem to work on paper, but in reality, it is clunky and creates internal inefficiencies the lead to poor customer experiences.Instead, create teams that ar e agile and collaborative. What if a designer sat in on your development projects and your developers collaborated with designers? What if your accounts payable person was involved inyour sales team onboarding, so that salespeople would be working with a familiar face when collecting invoices? Your business will benefit from the diversity of thought, and your employees will thank you for distributing the workload more thoroughly.4. Measure What MattersTheres a myth that adding bean bags and ping-pong tables to the office will make employees happier and more productive. However, productive employees are happy not the other way around.Its important to note that productive isnt the same as busy. Employees are fulfilled when they know what outcomes they are working toward and when team progress is transparent. Your teams should feel like theyve had a successful day when they are reporting on key performance indicators (KPIs) and contributing to moving company priorities toward completi on.Many CEOs and executive teams are afraid to break down silos becausethey worry they willlose control. However, when you connect your departments through a shared vision and culture, communication, efficient workflows, and KPIs, you actually ?gain? control through transparency, alignment, and accountability.Jennifer Faught is an entrepreneur coach at Petra Coach.